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Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Flat Tummy Is Just 11 Steps Away -Lose Belly Fat With Yoga And Healthy Eating

loose  belly fat with yoga

If you Want to Lose Belly Fat but don't want to join the gym? Then this article is for you. These 11 easy to do yoga asanas will help you reduce belly fat, strengthen muscles and improve body flexibility with an additional gift of glowing skin  :

Add Yoga And Exercise To Your Daily Routine 

There is no need for any special tool— simply a yoga mat is enough. Yoga also provides mind relaxation and body strength.
These exercises will also improve your stamina along with reducing your Belly Fat  — just don’t forget that these exercises should be done on a regular basis!

1. Side bends

Side bends to lose fat

This exercise will stretch and strengthen your angle limiting the “muffin top” effect.

2. Vertical leg lifts

vertical leg lift exercise

As slowly you do this exercise, the harder it gets. So for stronger lower abs practice these lifts as slowly as you provides support to your  lower abs

3. Forearm plank

forearm plank

This is the most effective exercise to lose belly fat fast. which looks simple, but it is hugely powerful for strengthening your core muscles — abs, diaphragm, and pelvic floor.
When you are able to hold this pose for 60 seconds, you can process more complicated planks.

4. Bridge exercise

Bridge pose yoga exercise

This posture provides strength to abs, glutes, and thighs.

5. Side plank

Side plank

 Side plank is a powerful exercise that will tone your body muscles, increase your metabolism, and move up your stamina.

Try to hold the pose for 60 seconds. Breathe calmly.
 Beginners are advised to, start by doing the side plank with their knees bent.

6. Cobra pose

cobra pose

This pose accent your abs strengthens your arms and shoulders and enhances your mood.
this posture also stretches the belly muscles .which help to lose belly fat.

7. Boat pose

Boat pose

Boat pose is the tough exercise in our workout plan, beginners should start with simpler exercises.

These exercises will reduce your belly fat and also improve your stamina — just don’t forget that these exercises should be done on a regular basis! this exercise exerts high pressure on the belly muscle and helps to get a flat tummy.

8. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) yoga

 this pose will exert stretching on your arms, stomach, and legs.
This yoga asana hugely helps in reducing belly and abdominal fat

9.Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

camel pose for flat tummy

This yoga pose aids in decreasing that stubborn Tummy fat.

10. Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior Pose I for flat tummy

 When you start feeling the stretch in your belly area, it shows that you are on your way to cutting down Belly Fat by Yoga.

11. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Half moon yoga pose

Practice this asana for strengthening the abdomen, butt and for better digestion. this yoga helps to lose side fat.

 Eat Healthily

Eat Healthily

 “ kitchen build the abs”. You can work hard & build muscular abs, but if you eat junk food, you can’t Lose Your Belly Fat. Stop eating processed food.  And develop a healthy eating habits.

1. Add more protein to your diet. also, improve your stamina  …

 the body burns more energy processing proteins than carbs and fat. this is the reason   why high protein diets work great at burning your Belly Fat
2. Reduce  Carbs intake.
 carbs provide energy.  but some people eat excess carbs than they required Your body will accumulate the carbs it doesn’t need as fat. And this is usually how you get belly fat. cut back on potatoes, pasta, rice, bread

,3. Eat green and raw veggies
 Spinach, broccoli, salad, kale, cabbage, …

4. A lot of Fruits
 Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, pears, …

5. Fats
Also, add fats to your diet
6. drink a lot of water

to lose belly fat fast

 Stay Motivated

.motivation is very important for any work.  Looking at your belly may give you inaccurate feedback. always be positive toward your goal. 

1.Measure Body Fat

Body Fat and yoga

Every 2 weeks using a fat caliper. It doesn’t need to be accurate. What matters is that the trend goes down

2. Measure Your Waist 

Measure Your Waist

Measure your waist after every 2 weeks. If you get stronger and eat healthily, your waist will go down fast.

3. Take Pictures

 Shoot your pictures every 2 weeks: front, back & side.   pictures will show the most change.

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